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El Centro Cultural Colomboamericano a travès de su Coordiandora Acadèmica Beth Bartlet, les invita a dos Jornadas de capacitaciòn, orientadas al desarrollo de estrategias para la ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLÈS como lengua extranjera, las cuales tendràn lugar en SEPTIEMBRE 29 Y 30 DE 2015.
"On September 29 and 30th, an English Language Fellow (a specialist in the teaching of English) will be visiting us and giving workshops.
On September 29th, the workshop will be from 5-7 p.m. and the topic is: Teaching Large Groups
On September 30th, the workshop will be from 9-11 a.m. and the topic is: Using English in the Classroom. This workshop will be repeated the same day from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. I should mention that on September 29th, the "Teach Me" Teachers are also invited. Below, is the name and biography of the English Language Fellow and below that is a description of the workshops she’ll be giving. I would really appreciate it if you would pass this invitation along to the teachers in the Red. We’d love to have them!
Teresa has a wide range of teaching experience and training, but most importantly she approaches teaching as an interpersonal exchange deeply rooted in culture – on many levels.
Teresa has taught English as a Foreign Language (EFL) through the Peace Corps in Slovakia at the high school, Kindergarten and adult levels. She also taught high school English (grammar and literature) in the Bronx, New York, and taught all subject areas in a residential rehabilitation home for boys aged 12 – 18. At the university level, she taught first-year college composition at Wright State University and Reading and Vocabulary at the University of Dayton in the Intensive English Program. In the summers from 2012-2015, Teresa taught English through the lens of American Culture in China, working with undergraduate students, and she taught an IELTS (TOEFL) preparation course for university lecturers in Indonesia.
In Dayton, Ohio, Teresa first taught middle school English as a Second Language (ESL) and then moved to coordinating the entire district’s preK-12 ESL program for twelve years, during a time of great growth and change in population. She also launched the district’s first bilingual (English/ Spanish) program in 2012, recruiting bilingual teachers and designing curriculum and materials needed for continued success.
Workshops: September 29, 5-7 p.m.
Colombo Americano, North Branch, Calle 13N. No. 8-45
Teaching large groups: Learning a language requires much practice and authentic communication. Teachers will explore methods for creating small group interaction and collaboration even in a large group setting through hands-on practice and examination of models. September 30, 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Colombo Americano, North Branch, Calle 13N. No. 8-45
Using English in the classroom: Teachers will investigate best practices for staying in the target language (English) in the classroom. Teachers will examine interactive and collaborative approaches that require students to use English. Teachers will also identify ways students can extend English learning beyond the classroom"
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Cupo Limitado.
Prog. fortalecimiento de competencias en lengua extranjera
Cel. 318 239 35 46
"On September 29 and 30th, an English Language Fellow (a specialist in the teaching of English) will be visiting us and giving workshops.
On September 29th, the workshop will be from 5-7 p.m. and the topic is: Teaching Large Groups
On September 30th, the workshop will be from 9-11 a.m. and the topic is: Using English in the Classroom. This workshop will be repeated the same day from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. I should mention that on September 29th, the "Teach Me" Teachers are also invited. Below, is the name and biography of the English Language Fellow and below that is a description of the workshops she’ll be giving. I would really appreciate it if you would pass this invitation along to the teachers in the Red. We’d love to have them!
Teresa has a wide range of teaching experience and training, but most importantly she approaches teaching as an interpersonal exchange deeply rooted in culture – on many levels.
Using English in the classroom: Teachers will investigate best practices for staying in the target language (English) in the classroom. Teachers will examine interactive and collaborative approaches that require students to use English. Teachers will also identify ways students can extend English learning beyond the classroom"
Diligenciar formato de inscripciòn el cual deben enviar al correo
Cupo Limitado.
Prog. fortalecimiento de competencias en lengua extranjera
Cel. 318 239 35 46
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